Do you sell live plants?
We only sell seedWe do not sell live plantsGreat Basin Seed is a seed company.…
What is the difference between bearded, awletted and beardless grain?
grain beardsWhat is a Grain Beard?Small grains like wheat, triticale, rye and…
Can I eat seeds purchased from you?
not for human consumptionNOGreat Basin Seed does not sell seed for human…
What is a soil test? How will it help me?
SOIL SAMPLESHow can a soil sample help me?In much the same way a seed…
What are Pollinators and Why are they Important?
Selecting Plants For Pollinators A Regional Guide for Farmers Land Managers,…
What is Seed Certification?
Certified Seed has different classes of seed to fit each type of seed grown.…
What Does A Seed Lab Do?
Seed Labs are an integral part of our business, and valued partners in our goal…