Salt & Alkali Soils Pasture Mix


Use this mix to turn challenging salt and alkali soil into usable pasture. Typically found in the West’s desert valleys, lowlands, and marshy margins.

330 in stock

Quantity is per pound. Example: 1 = 1 lb, 2 = 2 lbs, 3 = 3lbs, etc. This is pure seed, not a live plant.

SKU ALK-PAST Categories ,

Map of Western USA Distribution Area
Map of Western USA Distribution Area

Min. to Max. Annual Precipitation


Average Max. Height

Salt & Alkali Soils Pasture Mix

Soils high in salt and alkali (or basic soils) present challenging growing conditions. Basic soil conditions range from mildly alkaline, requiring little more that a variety selected for tolerance, to highly alkaline, nearing the point where very little will even survive in the conditions. Valley bottoms, “sump” areas, margins of marshy and/or damp areas and desert valleys and lowlands commonly present with these challenging soil situations. While these areas are challenging, Salt & Alkali Soils Pasture Mix will return an investment and turn a useless plot into a stand that will produce something of value.

Soil Tests

Our experience has taught us that the first step in determining which species to use on your plot is to pull a soil sample and send it to a certified soil laboratory. Soil labs will analyze the makeup of your soil and provide you with a chemical/mineral picture of your soil. It will includes information critical to the selection of appropriate plant species, soil preparation and conditioning methods and fertilizer/chemical recommendations. With that information you can select species that will survive in the pH conditions of your site.

We think you will appreciate the prompt, informative and courteous service from the folks at Stukenholtz Laboratory in Twin Falls, ID:

Stukenholtz Laboratory
2924 Addison Avenue, E
PO Box 353
Twin Falls, ID 83303-0353
(208) 734-3050  -or-  (800) 759-3050

Salt & Alkali Soils Seed Species

Contrary to popular belief there are actually numerous species available for planting in salt and alkali conditions. The enclosed table will give you an idea some of the species available to you:

25% Siberian Wheatgrass
25% Slender Wheatgrass
20% Hercules Tall Wheatgrass
10% Russian Wildrye
10% AC Saltlander Green Wheatgrass
5% Strawberry Clover
5% Yellow Sweet Clover

This item has a minimum order quantity of 20 pounds. If you feel this mix does not suit your needs give us a call. We can custom mix to your specifications and we don’t charge additional mixing fees.

Dryland SpeciesToleranceMin. Precip.
AC Saltlander Green WheatgrassVery High12"
Alkali SacatonVery High10"
Tall WheatgrassVery High8"
Yellow SweetcloverHigh8"
Slender WheatgrassHigh10"
Crested WheatgrassHigh6"
Siberian WheatgrassHigh5"
Russian WildryeHigh7"
Perennial RyegrassModerate12"
Basin WildryeModerate10"
Western WheatgrassModerate7"
Thickspike WheatgrassModerate7"
Blue GramaModerate8"
Bluebunch WheatgrassModerate8"
Smooth BromeFair12"
Intermediate WheatgrassFair11"
Pubescent WheatgrassFair11"
Sandberg BluegrassFair6"
Streambank WheatgrassFair6"
Indian RicegrassFair7"
Sheep FescueFair9"
Sand DropseedLow9"
Dahurian WildryeModerate11"
Small BurnetModerate11"
Annual Rye GrainModerate11"
Ranger AlfalfaFair11"
Ladak AlfalfaFair11"
Paiute OrchardgrassFair11"

The graphic above should provide a good visual reference of proper seeding depth. Note: The roll/pack step is highly recommended (but not necessary) with the broadcast seeding method. We do NOT recommend you roll/pack after drilling unless you are absolutely certain your drill is set to the shallowest possible drill depth – no more than .25″. A drill depth set too deep will result in buried seeds, poor germination and poor establishment – or failure.

Left: Ideal soil prep and proper broadcast method seed depth. The seeds have good soil contact on an even seed bed.

Right: Large dirt clods result in poor soil contact and uneven establishment. To the best of your ability, prepare an even, disturbed seed bed. What is “correct” or “ideal” will vary with your circumstances. In a range situations or on rocky ground the soil in the left photo is unrealistic.

Pasture mixes &Correct Sowing Methods

Correct sowing method is crucial for the establishment of healthy pasture. Few things have so direct an effect on success – or failure. The following methods are recommended:

Broadcast + Roll (BEST): Broadcast seed on a prepared seed bed. In small plots this is easy done by hand. For medium plots, a fertilizer broadcaster works well. In large-scale seedings a tractor/truck/SUV mounter fertilizer spreader works well. After broadcasting, walking on the area works in small areas and accomplishes the same goal as a roller. In med-large scale seedings, compact the soil surface with a push-roller or a roller mounted to a vehicle or tractor. The goal of the roller is to “press” the seed into the soil surface, ensuring the best possible soil contact.

Broadcast (GOOD): Broadcast seed on a prepared seed bed. In small plots this is easy done by hand. For medium plots, a fertilizer broadcaster works well. In large-scale seedings a tractor/truck/SUV mounter fertilizer spreader works well. DO NOT attempt to bury the seed after broadcasting.

Drilling (GOOD, BUT MUST BE DONE CORRECTLY): There are countless brands and styles of drills. Each are set to their specific make and model – there is no “universal” setting. Set your drill to the desired seeding rate and lift disks to barely scratch the surface. DO NOT bury the seeds. One of the leading causes of establishment failure is sowing too deep.

Who is Great Basin Seed?

Great Basin Seed is a seed company that specializes in seed sales and consultation for home, ranch, farm, range and reclamation. We have been a leader in the seed industry since 1974.

Our History

We've been in the seed business since 1974.

What We Offer

We offer seed for home, farm, ranch, range and reclamation projects.

Meet the Gang

We have the best employees in the world! We are proud of the work they do, and trust them to serve you!

Right: Company founder Lloyd and his wife Paula Stevens in a wildflower seed production field circa 1977

Quick Plant Facts
Common Name:

Salt & Alkali Soils Pasture Mix



pH Tolerance:

Growth Height:

Planting Rate:


Min. Precipitation:

Best Time to Sow:

Max Sowing Depth:

Growth Season:

Sun & Shade Tolerance:

Full Sun

Elevation of Occurance:

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