Grouped green bush in the desert with lots of branches and flower pods. Forage Kochia, Scientific Name: Bassia prostrata aka Kochia prostrata

Immigrant Forage Kochia

Immigrant Forage Kochia (Bassia prostrata, aka Kochia prostrata) or…

2021 Photo Contest Winners

The photos are in and the judges have decided! We are pleased to announce our…

Things you can plant in the fall

The practice of fall or “dormant” seeding pastures, lawn or range…

Re-Seeding After the Brian Head Fire

The threats of a wildfire don’t stop when the fire is out.…

The Great Seed Shortage

Great Basin Seed was privileged to contribute to the Spring 2021 issue of…

Custom dryland pasture mix in Southern Idaho

Choosing the Right Pasture Mix

Noah talks about our different pasture mixes and helps you decide which one is…

Irrigated Pasture Seed Mix

Early and Late Maturing Forage Grasses

What are Early and Late Maturing Forage Grasses? Forage grasses, but more…

New Seed Processing Equipment and Silos

We have been super busy this winter installing new infrastructure and storage…

Converting Alfalfa to Grass and Grazing Pasture

Converting Alfalfa to Grass and Grazing Pasture

Alfalfa stands have a limited lifespan - usually three to five years. A lot of…

dry land of Salt & Alkali Soils Pasture Mix, Salt and Alkali Soils Seed

Seed for Salt and Alkali Soils

Saline, sodic and alkali soils present challenges for farmers, ranchers and…