Baltic Rush

  • Scientific name: Juncus articus
  • Wetlands perennial
  • Grass-like and rhizomatous
  • Most common rush in the Intermountain West
  • Good for soil stabilization and plant diversity
  • May fix atmospheric nitrogen

24 in stock

Quantity is per pound. Example: 1 = 1 lb, 2 = 2 lbs, 3 = 3lbs, etc. This is pure seed, not a live plant.


Baltic Rush (Juncus balticus) is a wetlands grass-like rhizomatous. This grass is a common and widely occurring in the western, midwestern, and central America as a wetland perennial. The most common and widespread rush is in the Intermountain and Great Basin areas. It grows in typical habitats for wetlands including standing water to seasonally dry places usually below 7,000 ft elevation. This grass is considered poor for livestock but good for wetland restoration for soil stabilization and plant diversity. This native plant is best sowed in the Spring or Fall.

Baltic rush (Juncus balticus) is a perennial, rhizomatous, wetland plant. Rushes are grasslike, usually tufted herbs with terete leaves. The leaf sheaths are clustered at the base, 2-15 cm long, multi-colored from red to light to dark brown, and bladeless.

Other Uses: Wildlife habitat and food, erosion prevention, sediment retention, basketry, food, tatami mats, and nutrient transformation. It has nitrogen-fixing capabilities. They are useful for stabilization and revegetation of disturbed areas. These plants can be invasive.

Wetland Grasses

***Click on the “Quick Plant Facts” tab above for more information.

(Juncus balticus)

Baltic Rush NRCS Plant Guide Sheet

PDF version of NRCS Plant Guide & Fact Sheet

Prepared By: Michelle Stevens formerly USDA, NRCS, National Plant Data Center
Chris Hoag, Riparian/Wetland Plant Development Project USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Plant Material Center, Aberdeen, Idaho
Species Coordinator: M. Kat Anderson USDA, NRCS, National Plant Data Center c/o Environmental Horticulture Department, University of California, Davis, California

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Helpful Links

Additional information about this product can be found on the academic websites linked below.


Many plants have more than one common and scientific name. We've listed a few of them below.

  • Baltic Rush
  • Juncus balticus

Who is Great Basin Seed?

Great Basin Seed is a seed company that specializes in seed sales and consultation for home, ranch, farm, range and reclamation. We have been a leader in the seed industry since 1974.

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We've been in the seed business since 1974.

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We offer seed for home, farm, ranch, range and reclamation projects.

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Right: Company founder Lloyd and his wife Paula Stevens in a wildflower seed production field circa 1977

Quick Plant Facts
Root Form


Min. Precipitation

7 Inches or more

Best SowingTime

Spring or Fall

Plant PDF File


Sowing Rate

1-2 PLS lbs. per Acre

Seed Count

6,000,000 seeds/lb.

Growth Height:

Plant Type:



Max Sowing Depth:

Common Name:

Baltic Rush, mountain rush, valley rush, wire rush

Scientific Name:

Growth Season:

Sun & Shade Tolerance:

Part Sun, Very Shade Tolerant

Elevation of Occurance:

pH Tolerance:

Hardiness Zones:

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