
Benchmark Plus Orchardgrass

$3.75 per pound
  • Superior Forage Yield
  • Ideal for Pastures or Hay
  • Early Maturity
  • Great Palatability
  • Selected for Persistence Under Heavy Grazing
  • Excellent Plant Vigor
  • Drought Tolerant
  • Stem Rust Resistance
  • Maximum Persistence for Haying or Grazing
  • Minimum order quantity of 20 pounds

730 in stock

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Quantity is per pound. Example: 1 = 1 lb, 2 = 2 lbs, 3 = 3lbs, etc. This is pure seed, not a live plant.

SKU DAGL-BM+ Categories ,

Map of Benchmark Plus Orchardgrass Distribution Area
Benchmark Plus Orchardgrass Distribution Area

Min. to Max. Annual Precipitation


Average Max. Height

Benchmark Plus Orchardgrass is an early maturing grass that is drought tolerant with great palatability. It has a superior forage yield that is ideal for pasture or haying, and is selected for persistence under heavy grazing. Rotational grazing is preferred for best quality production. First cutting in spring should be done before head emergence (Boot Stage).

Benchmark Plus Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) is a high performance forage orchargrass that offers maximum persistence under grazing pressure. It is also an excellent choice for inclusion in a forage grass mixture.

Nitrogen should be applied in split applications during early Spring & Fall and after 1st cutting. Adequate phosphorus and potassium are also necessary for top production. First cutting in Spring should be done before head emergence (Boot Stage). Later cuttings can be made at 4-6 week intervals depending on conditions.

Rotational grazing is preferred for best production, persistence and quality. Fields should be grazed heavily and frequently (every 10-12 days) during the rapid Spring growth period but overgrazing should be avoided. Leave a 3-4 inch stubble for quick recovery.

  • Superior Forage Yield
  • Ideal for Pastures or Hay
  • Early Maturity
  • Great Palatability
  • Selected for Persistence Under Heavy Grazing
  • Excellent Plant Vigor
  • Drought Tolerant
  • Stem Rust Resistance
  • Maximum Persistence for Haying or Grazing


PLANTING SUGGESTIONS for Benchmark Plus Orchardgrass
Planting Rate (pure stand) 15-20 lbs/acre
Planting Rate (mixture) 4-6 lbs/acre
Planting Depth 1/4-1/2 inch deep
Seeding (Spring) March 1st to May 15th
Seeding (Summer) August 1st to September 15th
Soil Type Moderate to Well Drained
Minimum Soil pH 5.5


Summarized over Years and Locations (Total Tons Dry Matter / Acre)
Entry Loc./Yrs. %Mean
Benchmark Plus 17 100.1
Potomac 17 97.1
Pennlate 17 96.9
Progress 10 96.6
Duke 15 95.2


PaiuteEarlyDrought tolerant. Common in dryland pastures, reclamation, erosion control.
HallmarkEarlyHigh Yielding
Benchmark PlusEarlyPersists under heavy use, superior forage. Superior for grazing.
PotomacEarly-MidExcellent early variety.
QuickdrawEarly-MidFast recover after cutting. Tolerates heat.
Pawnee OrchardgrassMidWidely adapted, drought and grazing tolerant.
Crown RoyalMid-LateFast recovery after cutting, tolerates heat.
ExtendMid-LateIdeal for alfalfa & clover mixes. Superior yield.
BlizzardLateSuperior winter survival. Widely adapted, excellent forage yield.
Sunset OrchardgrassLateExcellent for use with hay, clover or pasture mixes. Improved foliar disease resistance.
Sundown OrchardgrassLateAggressive tillering and fast re-growth. Maturity is similar to that of Pennlate.
LatarLateOld variety with limited availability. Extend, Quickdraw, Sunset and Sundown are improved varieties.


Benchmark Plus Orchardgrass, Dactylis glomerata

*** Click on the “Quick Plant Facts” tab above for more information.

(Dactylis glomerata)

Orchardgrass NRCS Plant Guide and Fact Sheet

PDF version of NRCS Plant Guide & Fact Sheet

Prepared By: Tony Bush USDA NRCS Rose Lake PMC East Lansing, Michigan
Dan Ogle USDA NRCS Idaho State Office Boise, Idaho
Loren St. John USDA NRCS Aberdeen PMC Aberdeen, Idaho
Mark Stannard USDA NRCS Pullman PMC Pullman, Washington
Dr. Kevin B. Jensen USDA ARS Forage and Range Research Laboratory, Utah State University, Logan, Utah
Species Coordinator: Mark Stannard USDA NRCS Pullman Plant Materials Center
Pullman, Washington

Download PDF

(Dactylis glomerata)

Orchardgrass Variety Trial 2005

Research in the Klamath Basin

Prepared By: Richard J. Roseberg and Jim E. Smith

Download PDF

(Dactylis glomerata)

Orchardgrass Hay Production Guide for the Columbia Basin of Washington

Prepared By: John L Kugler, WSU Grant/Adams County Extension

Download PDF

(Dactylis glomerata)

Orchardgrass NRCS Plant Materials Technical Note

An introduced Conservation Grass for Use in Montana and Wyoming

Prepared By: Roger M. Hybner, Research Agronomist, NRCS, Plant Materials Center, Bridger, Montana
Susan Winslow, Agronomist, NRCS, Plant Materials Center, Bridger, Montana

Download PDF

Helpful Links

Additional information about this product can be found on the academic websites linked below.


Many plants have more than one common and scientific name. We've listed a few of them below.

  • Benchmark Plus Orchardgrass
  • Dactylis glomerata

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Great Basin Seed is a seed company that specializes in seed sales and consultation for home, ranch, farm, range and reclamation. We have been a leader in the seed industry since 1974.

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Right: Company founder Lloyd and his wife Paula Stevens in a wildflower seed production field circa 1977

Quick Plant Facts
Common Name:

Benchmark Plus Orchardgrass

Scientific Name:



Plant Type:

pH Tolerance:

Growth Height:

Root Form:

Planting Rate:

Min. Precipitation:

Best Time to Sow:


Max Sowing Depth:

Growth Season:

Sun & Shade Tolerance:

Full Sun

Elevation of Occurance:

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