Salaradus Pasture Mix

  • Designed for high pH areas
  • Requires irrigation in most areas
  • Excellent forage and pasture
  • Combination of legumes, grasses & cover crops
  • Minimum order quantity of 10 lbs.

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Salradus Pasture Mix is designed for high pH areas. It differs from our Western Badlands Mix because it requires irrigation in most geographic areas where it is planted. Minimum precipitation is 16″.

The Salaradus Pasture Mix can be cut for hay or used for pasture. Rotational grazing is recommended.

Where does the name “Salaradus” come from?

West of Great Basin Seed Headquarters a couple miles is a geographic area called the “Salaradus Hole” where the soil is notoriously bad and Alkali pulls to the surface. This mix was designed in cooperation with the farmer who owns the land, and for all areas like it in the Western USA. It is designed for high salt and high pH soils.

The name has it’s roots in early Mormon and western history where you will find mention of “Salaradus Biscuits.” The biscuits were common fare among the pioneer ancestors of the Intermountain West. The following quote from the written history of central Utah pioneer Martha Lydia Lyman Roper (1853-1922) gives insight to the origins of the word:

“Her baking powder biscuits were delicious, the baking powder she made by combining cream of tartar and corn starch. For soda she used white alkali gathered from the Deseret to make Salaradus Biscuits, which were also delicious.” 


Salaradus Pasture Mix

Percent in MixSpecies
Scientific Name (link)
15%Green Wheatgrass, AC SaltlanderAC Saltlander Green Wheatgrass
9%Dahurian Wildrye
Elymus dahuricus
9%Tall Fescue, RustlerFestuca arundinacea
9%Slender WheatgrassElymus trachycaulus
8%Siberian WheatgrassSiberian Wheatgrass
8%Smooth BromegrassBedrock Smooth Brome
8%Hercules Tall WheatgrassHercules Tall Wheatgrass
8%Intermediate WheatgrassThinopyrum intermedium
5%Western WheatgrassPascopyrum smith
5%Russian WildryePsathyrostachys junceus
4%Radish, DaikonRaphanus sativus var. oleiformis
4%Purple Top TurnipBrassica rapa
3%Fixation Balansa CloverTrifolium michelianum
3%Strawberry CloverTrifolium fragiferum

Who is Great Basin Seed?

Great Basin Seed is a seed company that specializes in seed sales and consultation for home, ranch, farm, range and reclamation. We have been a leader in the seed industry since 1974.

Our History

We've been in the seed business since 1974.

What We Offer

We offer seed for home, farm, ranch, range and reclamation projects.

Meet the Gang

We have the best employees in the world! We are proud of the work they do, and trust them to serve you!

Right: Company founder Lloyd and his wife Paula Stevens in a wildflower seed production field circa 1977

Quick Plant Facts
Elevation of Occurance:


pH Tolerance:

Min. Precipitation:

Growth Season:

Max Sowing Depth:

Planting Rate:

Best Time to Sow:

Sun & Shade Tolerance:

Full Sun


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