Winter Peas

Winter Peas or “Field Peas”

  • Excellent source for good fall ground cover
  • Good for weed suppression
  • Provides high quality forage that can be hayed or grazed
  • Excellent companion crop when planted with small grain crops


Quantity is per pound. Example: 1 = 1 lb, 2 = 2 lbs, 3 = 3lbs, etc. This is pure seed, not a live plant.


Min. to Max. Annual Precipitation


Average Max. Height

Winter Peas are an excellent source for good fall ground cover and weed suppression. Provides high quality forage that can be hayed and grazed. Excellent companion crop when planted with small grain crops. They prefer cool moist soil conditions and do not perform well in hot dry conditions. This annual legume are low growing, viny, and have 2 to 4 foot long, thin, hollow, stems with a purple/reddish-pink flower. Great for winter hardiness.

Winter Peas: Pisum sativum subsp. arvense

Winter peas, or “field peas”, are an excellent source for good fall ground cover and weed suppression that also provides high quality forage that can be hayed or grazed.  They are an excellent companion crop when planted with small grain crops.  Winter peas can fix as much as 75-100 # N/acre.  They prefer cool moist soil conditions and do not perform well in hot dry conditions. This annual legume are low growing, viny, and have 2 to 4 foot long, thin, hollow, stems and purple or reddish-pink flowers. As their name would suggest, winter peas have great winter hardiness and can be successfully grown in the grain belt states of the Midwest, the Mid-Atlantic states, and the Great Plains and inter-mountain regions of the west.

Planting Instructions:


50 lbs/acre drilled

70 lbs/acre broadcast

In Mixes

25-30 lbs/acre drilled

35-40 lbs/acre broadcast



Innocullant:   1/2 to 1 inch: If broadcast, the soil should be tilled lightly to cover the seed.

Ideal Soil:   Prefers well-drained soils within a pH range of 6.3-7.0

*** For more info, please click the “Quick Plant Facts” tab above or visit: USDA Plant Guide

Check out our Prosper Plus with Peas Forage Mixture

Beards, Dwarf Beards and Awnlettes

Making Sense of Grain Beards

What is the difference between “bearded” and “dwarf beard” and “beardless” varieties? How do I choose the one best for me?

The table below will help you visualize the different characteristics of each variety, if they have beards (or not) and why it matters. See our BEARDED GRAINS blog post for additional information.

SpeciesVarietyPlanting SeasonBeard ExpressionComments
OatOtanaSpringBeardlessOats do not have a beard
OatMonidaSpringBeardlessOats do not have a beard
OatIntimidatorSpringBeardlessOats do not have a beard
OatMonicoSpringBeardlessOats do not have a beard
OatMagnumSpringBeardlessOats do not have a beard
OatEverleaf™ Falcon OatSpringBeardlessOats do not have a beard
OatEverleaf™ 126 OatSpringBeardlessOats do not have a beard
BarleyVaqueroSpringBeardlessMay express a beard up to 4/10,000 plants (.04%)
BarleySunstar DoubleSpringBeardedBearded forage barley
BarleyClaymoreSpringBeardedBearded forage barley
BarleyHaymakerSpringBeardlessForage barley
BarleyLavinaSpringBeardlessForage barley
BarleyGoldeneyeSpringBeardedGrain barley
BarleySunstar PrideFallBeardedFall forage barley
BarleyValorFallBeardlessFall forage barley
BarleyBaldwinFallAwnlettedBeard expression if planted after October 15
TriticaleMerlin Max™FacultativeBeardlessForage triticale
TriticaleGunner™FacultativeBeardlessForage triticale
Triticale131FallBeardlessForage triticale
Triticale 141 SpringAwnletted141 was used facultatively at high elevations
TriticaleLuomaFallAwnlettedForage triticale
TriticaleFlex 719™FacultativeAwnlettedForage triticale
TriticaleFX 1001FallNearly BeardlessFX 1001 may have up to 3% beard expression
TriticaleMotley™FacultativeNearly BeardlessForage triticale
WheatJeffersonSpringBeardedHard red grain wheat for milling
WheatTwinSpringBeardlessSoft white forage wheat
WheatBrundageFallBeardlessSoft white forage wheat
WheatRayFallBeardlessHard Red forage or milling wheat
WheatWillow CreekFallBeardlessHard Red forage or milling wheat
RyeRymin or VNS FacultativeBeardedCereal forage rye
PeasAustrian Winter PeasFacultativeBeardlessPeas do not have a beard
Grain MixtureFall Forage BlendFallBeardlessMay contain awnletted varieties
Grain MixtureProsper 3 Grain Forage MixtureSpringBeardlessForage mixture
Grain MixtureProsper Plus with PeasSpringBeardlessProsper with forage peas added

Who is Great Basin Seed?

Great Basin Seed is a seed company that specializes in seed sales and consultation for home, ranch, farm, range and reclamation. We have been a leader in the seed industry since 1974.

Our History

We've been in the seed business since 1974.

What We Offer

We offer seed for home, farm, ranch, range and reclamation projects.

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We have the best employees in the world! We are proud of the work they do, and trust them to serve you!

Right: Company founder Lloyd and his wife Paula Stevens in a wildflower seed production field circa 1977

Quick Plant Facts
Common Name:

Austrian Winter Peas, Winter Peas or "Field Peas"

Scientific Name:



Plant Type:

pH Tolerance:

Seeds per Pound:

Growth Height:

Root Form:

Planting Rate:

Min. Precipitation:

Best Time to Sow:


Max Sowing Depth:

Growth Season:


Sun & Shade Tolerance:

Full Sun

Elevation of Occurance:

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